IPP - International Passenger Protection LogoWorld-wide leaders in providing Scheduled Airline Failure Insurance (SAFI) to the travel industry
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Transportation Failure

This policy, whilst including scheduled airline failure, will also cover any other mode of Transportation Failure as detailed below:

This product can be sold as a stand alone item or it can be included in a travel insurance policy, credit card or club membership of any travel club.

For ease of reference you are covered for the following:
For the insolvency of any transportation provider which is booked in the UK with a bonded agent (not forming part of an inclusive holiday) and not bonded or insured already.

These would include:

Scheduled airlines (see wording PPIPB)
Car ferries
Railway journeys (including the Eurostar)
Coach journeys
Shipping lines

You are not covered for the following:
The booking agent or consolidator, therefore it is the travel agents' commercial decision to book with them and thus their responsibility.


SAF DPI – ‘add on’ to Travel Insurance

You will see above just a few of the products we offer
(please click on each one to see further details)

If however, you have a request not
mentioned then please refer to our other products page.

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